Pinhole Perspective

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Gaayi... Gaayi...

Photo of a friend of mine. No idea who took this. Huge unseening eyes. A Shubha Mudgal song, which goes gaayi...gaayi... Remember seeing her sing this in a concert. The same round unseeing eyes. Lost in neverland. Same with this photo? Will ask my friend when i get to Neverland


Blogger backpack_everyday said...

Mnn I have been waiting for a month for ur next post.Good u have posted.Post once in 15 days maybe ............

11:03 PM, April 30, 2006  
Blogger Vijay said...

Didnt feel that urge to post, till a few days back. Went around the city and got some snaps of vintage bullets. That series will be next.Maybe.Will try to post regularly. Your blog is getting better everyday. Now that Ap isnt posting, your blog is the only solace at office

7:30 PM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aparna Jayakumar, Bombay took it, it was in the Department Library

12:36 AM, May 09, 2006  
Blogger Vijay said...

I recognise the name. Library has a window(or whatever this is) like that? Dont remember much of the college expect the corner by the chapel where i didnt fit and the creaky wooden floor boards.

3:51 PM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger Vijay said...

crossfield,you anyone i know?

11:18 PM, May 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's me c'mon

12:51 AM, May 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja! long time back

4:59 PM, May 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Aparna Jayakumar, the photographer! Whose blog is this?

5:57 PM, November 05, 2006  
Blogger Vijay said...

This is Vijay, Aishwarya's friend from her Coimbatore days. Remember her mentioning you while i was in Mumbai once. So what are you doing after BA?

1:55 PM, November 11, 2006  

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